Miracle Workers Alliance Charts Course for Growth and Engagement: Board Meeting Recap

Call to Order:

President Korey G. Miracle declared the meeting open, with a quorum established by the attendance of Directors Faith D. Adams, Samantha Boyce, Subreina Davis, and Terry Bennett. Director Jordan Anderson was excused from the session.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes:

The minutes of the April 14, 2024 meeting were unanimously approved by the present directors.

Approval of Agenda:

The proposed agenda for the meeting received unanimous approval from the board.


  • Executive Report by Korey G. Miracle, President/CEO:
    • Highlighted the completion of the board member handbook pending approval and signatures.
    • Shared updates on social media growth and the soft launch of the Discord server.
    • Noted the ongoing search for a board secretary and outlined upcoming initiatives to enhance brand awareness and community engagement.
  • Treasurer’s Report by Faith D. Adams, Treasurer/CFO:
    • Provided updates on efforts to complete Form 1023 for tax exempt status.
    • Reported on funds raised towards the filing fee, encouraging further contributions from board members and guests.

Unfinished Business:

  • Clarification of the Amended Discord Usage Policy:
    • Terry Bennett clarified the roles and responsibilities outlined in the amended P&P Manual, emphasizing the need for clear distinctions between administrative roles and those of mental health professionals.

New Business:

  • Approval of Amended Corporate Bylaws:
    • The board approved an amendment to Article 4 section 7.1, allowing for monthly meetings instead of biweekly, subject to business needs.
  • Approval of Board Handbook:
    • The final draft of the board handbook was unanimously approved by the board.

Open Forum:

  • Board Member Discussions and Recommendations:
    • Subreina Davis proposed future Dungeons and Dragons-related projects, including potential online and in-person events.
    • Terry Bennett suggested collaborations with pride events and exploring game streaming opportunities for fundraising and outreach.


The proposed date for the next board meeting was set for Sunday, May 26th, 2024, and unanimously approved. With no further business, the meeting concluded at 7:17 p.m. EST, underscoring MWA’s commitment to advancing its mission of support and advocacy for mental health.

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